"The Mahjar Comes Home: Rihani, Jubran, and Nu'aymah and Their Short Narratives"

By Professor Emeritus Roger Allen
University of Pennsylvania 



"The Symbolism of Democracy in Ameen Al-Rihani's 'Crossing Brooklyn Bridge"

By Professor Terri DeYoung
University of Washington, Seattle



"From Mahjar to Immigrant Writers: Critical Reception of Amin/Ameen Rihani and Jibran Khalil/Kahlil J(G)ibran in the Twenty First Century"

By Professor Geoffrey Nash
University of London, U




"Gibran, Naimy and Afifa Karam: Gender Politics in Mahjar Literature"

By Professor Elizabeth Saylor
Middlebury College, Vermont


"The Landscape of Hope and Possibility: The Resilient Mind and Imagination of Ameen Rihani"

By Professor Nathan Funk
University of Waterloo, Canada


"One who has not learned cannot teach: one who has not taught cannot learn:" Didacticism in Mikhail Naimy's Oeuvre"

By Professor Gregory Bell
Princeton University



"Canonizing the Creativity Principle: Jubran and Nu'aymah"

By Professor Muhsin Al-Musawi
Columbia University
Read by Professor Peter Wien
University of Maryland


"Prophetic Criticism" in Ameen Rihani's Thought: The Parallax for a Post-Orientalist Theology

By Professor Youssef Yacoubi
Seton Hall University

"Arabic Aesthetics and Russian Poetics: The Influence of Russian Literature on Naimy"

By Professor Rebecca Gould
University of Birmingham, UK



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